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Да, кстати, пора объявлять о встрече :)

Воскресенье (21 марта), 11:00, кофейня Марко Поло (находится рядом со универсамом Спутник, ост. Улица Советская или Площадь Советов). Тематика пусть будет о детях, ага )

Полезная вещь джаббер-уведомления. Быстро реагировать на посты с ней куда проще =)

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sooooo, ladies, here comes my report) check this out)

The topic was supposed to concern children and different aspects of up-bringing.

There were four of us and none prepared)))

We started discussing our experience in baby-sitting\looking after\taking care of children...

It turned out that almost everybody had such one, with prank being the most experienced. He is taking care of 2 nieces and one sister! Wow! Good job, man)))

remember, a daughter of your sister\brother is a niece and a son of him\her = a nephew

Then the discussion shifetd somehow to "disposable" chinese goods and quality and then bonfunk started speakign about his favourite law matters - he stated the government has no right to forbid people downloading Soviet movies and cartoons as they belong to the nation

multitran.ru syas народное достояние is national wealth but i doubt it can be used in our context...any suggestions?

We found out a common mistake - often misusing the plural\singular form of the word "person".

I might be mistaking but what i remember is there is no plural form for it, and one should use the word "people". And vice versa:)

After we tried to make a conclusion what are children for us personally. It turned out bonfunk thinks they are a headache, as he had an experience in baby-sitting his niece. Then RDN added a phrase from the movie "4 rooms":"to STAY with children is a headache" meaning the children themselves can be quite OK)))

prank said they are a huge responsibility but one should grant them the right of choice in important matters and thus making them more independent and prepared for their own lives.

And then we shared some stories from our childhood about making choice for ourselves...

Then my mother called and i had to go home and take care of my little daughter)))

So when i become an elderly citizen, she is supposed to take care of me)))

Here are the words and expressions we could not recall at once:

роддом is maternity clinic or birthing house

ширпотреб is articles of popular consumption or run-of-the-mill

гантели bars

капризничать grizzle or play pranks - говоря о машинах))))

забить гвоздь to nail or to batter a nail

избаловать тж. spoil a child, or pamper как изнежить или ласкать ребенка

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Then the discussion shifetd somehow to chinese goods
We were talking about how important it is to put a child into a good set of additional classes (or not to do it at all); you remembered your own studiing of English/Chineze/Linguistics, and... :)

prank is no doubt a guru of babysitting )

bonfunk thinks they are a headache
Now you're divorcing if from the context :(

About the homework.

Гантель - a dumbbel, as MacMillan states.

Достояние - property or possession. "Всеобщее достояние" as something of an intellectual property not owned by anyone in particular is the public domain.

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Darimaa Romanovna

Well... :) I think we all said enough to state that children (especially when they are your own) are a great responsibility, from preventing them from putting their fingers into boiling water to being sure to bring them up as good people. It takes us to know what a good person means as well. You were the frist to say that parents get to change dramatically. So, bonfunk does think having children is a headache =) Much less then to babysit a child for the first time )

Ну и по-нашенски :) желает кто-нибудь предложить тему для следующей встречи и/или побыть ответственным по её раскрытию?

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:D *159

London is THE capital, так как столица в приницпе одна в государстве, поэтому артикль определенный.

можно так: London is A big city. так как городов много,а он-Лондон один из множества, вот артикль и неопределнный...

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Ну что, в воскресенье 28 марта в 11:00 в Marco Polo. Тема: автомобили. Всех устраивает?

Кстати, в ночь с субботы на воскресенье на этой неделе переводятся часы, на летнее время. Не проспать бы )

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2 good of Baz!X, специально ведь в первом посте дали краткий обзор встреч и мини-FAQ. Да, прийти могут все желающие подтянуть устную английскую речь.

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