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My Dear Friend,

It is with trust and sincerity that I approach you for assistance to transfer some funds into your bank account. Please do accept my apology if my mail infringes on your personal ethics. My name is Augustine Dinga, a Private Lawyer based here in Johannesburg South Africa. Honestly it will be my humble pleasure if we can work together.

I would like you to act as the next of kin to my deceased client who made a deposit of( $23.5 million) only with a Bank here in Johannesburg few years back. He died in a plane crash with his immediate family in a plane crash without any registered next of kin and as such the funds now have an open beneficiary mandate with a Bank, This means that any person from your country can act as the next of kin of the deceased person for claiming the inheritance funds without any risk involved.

Moreso,I have received official letter from the bank suggesting a likely proceeding for confiscation of the Fund in line with existing laws by the bank in which my client deposited the sum of( $23.5 Million Dollars) . According to the Government Law as provided in section 129 sub 63(N), South African Banking Edit of 1961 at the expiration of 11 years the fund will revert to the ownership of the South African Government, if nobody applies to claim the fund.

My proposition to you is to present you to the bank as the Next of kin and beneficiary of my deceased client so that the bank will pay this ($23.5 million )to you so that we can share the amount on a mutually agreed percentage of 60% for me 40% for you.

All legal documents to back up your claim as the deceased Next of Kin will be provided by me. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.

If you are interested in this transactions, Please do let me know immediately so that I can give you comprehensive details on how to proceed.


Barrister Augustine Dinga

Email: [email protected]

Direct Telephone: (+27733421142)

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Vol89, у тебя где почтовый ящик?

на Мэйл.ру или Яндексе?

Беги оттуда, это убожество.

Спам тебя по-жизни будет доставать, это их хлеб.

А по поводу перевода- translate.google.com в помощь.

Типичное письмо-вымогатель.

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dibar да понимаю я. )

На мэйле.. знаю что это не ахти почтовик. Судя по письмам, то уже человек 20 будут моими родственниками (за границей и богатые).

А чего так все в Африку бегут? НУ типа родственник бывши в каком-то городе континента умер.

А в Яндексе всё-равно меньше спама.

Gmail.com? Это норма.. просто до конца ещё там не освоился.

Нравятся примочки Googlа.

*********@live.co.za - случаем не Замбези?
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Это развод иль правда? Кто сталкивался.

Пришло СМС от Мегафона:

Уважаемый абонент! В следующем месяце у Вас сгорит 16,83 баллов. Наберите *115*6# и узнайте какие вознаграждения Вам доступны. Подробнее по тел. 0510

Это не развод. На сайте Мегафона доступно объяснено.
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