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Рекомендуемые сообщения

У латинамериканцев во всех песнях слышится национальный стиль. Даже если бы пел по-русски, было бы слышно, что песня заокеанская. Жаль, у наших такой самобытности почти не слышно.

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Перевод бы достать...

Все что я смог найти: перевод на Английский


A good gig/party

My car is washed-clean already, the [car] stereo system is set up just right

Everything is ready, come with me, ['cause] the sound here is first-rate

Girl, don't be shy, jump in [the car] and celebrate

Just ring me later, I'll love it, so let's go...

Honey, ring me, there's gonna be party tonight

I want to enjoy it with you ['till] late in the night

To dance and jump,

Until the sun comes out

Honey, ring me, there's gonna be party tonight

I want to enjoy it with you ['till] late in the night

To dance and jump,

Because tonight there's going to be

The "tche tchererere tche tcheche"

Tcherere tche tche,

Tcherere tche tche,


Tche, tche, tche,

Gustavo Lima and you

If you look at me, I'll want to touch you

And next, to make out with you, to have fun

Because tonight there's going to be

Honey, ring me, there's gonna be party tonight

I want to enjoy it with you ['till] late in the night

To dance and jump,

Until the sun comes out

Honey, ring me, there's gonna be party tonight

I want to enjoy it with you ['till] late in the night

To dance and jump,

Because tonight there's going to be

The "tche tchererere tche tcheche"

Tcherere tche tche,

Tcherere tche tche,


Tche, tche, tche,

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