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Действительно, ролики они делать мастера. Хотел бы посмотреть фильмец, как например в инсту идут, в красках, красиво как они умеют) но токо анимационный обязательно

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RE: Animated film

От кого: Community-EN


29 мая 2012, 13:42


Thank you for your email and for submitting your idea!

As you may have heard, we’re currently working on a live-action World of Warcraft movie. There’s not much news on the project right now, but as soon as there is, we’ll be sure to make it known ;) All of our creative efforts are currently being put into that as far as movies go right now, but of course nothing can be ruled out for the future :)

Kind regards,

The Community Team

Blizzard Entertainment Europe


Sent: 28 May 2012 10:02

To: Community-EN

Subject: Animated film


I am a regular user and fan of your games. I hope that my letter will be read to the end or even to read, so move on to the point. You, the largest of companies in the world, Blizzard, make great games and video inserts in them. Sometimes it became more interesting to review them than to restart play.

So, please feel free to create and release an animated film in the rolled-style inserts in your video games of the World of Warcraft. I believe that many of your admirers, and indeed ordinary people would like to see this creation. I would like to see a simple and straightforward story about how the Knights of the alliance are going to conquer the dungeon, there has never before, and there was no one other group of brave men left their lives there. All this was accompanied by a picture of all the different classes magiyami - treatment, resuscitation, tanking.Each would have been full of charisma, the soldiers would not be equal in strength, mages would be the most powerful in the history of the alliance, and the priests would be the kind creatures. And at the end of the main boss, the best artifacts and terrible tests during the battle. At the end of the movie heroes return home to meet the winners, their praise, the king expressed his gratitude, and then a group of heroes into the distance leaving for new adventures!

I think you would definitely have coped with this challenge, and the fans would be very nice. And of course - the economic benefit.

Please send the official address of the company. Thank you!

Но видимо не скоро будет

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Хахахах) Они ответили)

RE: Animated film

От кого: Community-EN


29 мая 2012, 13:42


Thank you for your email and for submitting your idea!

As you may have heard, we’re currently working on a live-action World of Warcraft movie. There’s not much news on the project right now, but as soon as there is, we’ll be sure to make it known ;) All of our creative efforts are currently being put into that as far as movies go right now, but of course nothing can be ruled out for the future :)

Kind regards,

The Community Team

Blizzard Entertainment Europe


Sent: 28 May 2012 10:02

To: Community-EN

Subject: Animated film


I am a regular user and fan of your games. I hope that my letter will be read to the end or even to read, so move on to the point. You, the largest of companies in the world, Blizzard, make great games and video inserts in them. Sometimes it became more interesting to review them than to restart play.

So, please feel free to create and release an animated film in the rolled-style inserts in your video games of the World of Warcraft. I believe that many of your admirers, and indeed ordinary people would like to see this creation. I would like to see a simple and straightforward story about how the Knights of the alliance are going to conquer the dungeon, there has never before, and there was no one other group of brave men left their lives there. All this was accompanied by a picture of all the different classes magiyami - treatment, resuscitation, tanking.Each would have been full of charisma, the soldiers would not be equal in strength, mages would be the most powerful in the history of the alliance, and the priests would be the kind creatures. And at the end of the main boss, the best artifacts and terrible tests during the battle. At the end of the movie heroes return home to meet the winners, their praise, the king expressed his gratitude, and then a group of heroes into the distance leaving for new adventures!

I think you would definitely have coped with this challenge, and the fans would be very nice. And of course - the economic benefit.

Please send the official address of the company. Thank you!

Но видимо не скоро будет

Прочитал , аж прослезился D:

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Ты вообще слышишь что я тебе говорю? У ньюфаг два смысла, newfag и newfaggot что из них ты имел ввиду?!

Меня не много накалют люди которые вычитали значение какого нибудь слова в википедии и начинают его спамить в свою речь, пытаясь как то выгодно выделиться с общей массы. На самом деле со стороны это выглядит смешно.

Все люди в какой то области нубы, новички и т д. В твои "стары времена" я играл совсем в другие игры и там был да и наверное остаюсь как бы выразиться "батей" чтоли. Но никогда и не разу меня не тянуло подколоть нуба в этой игре а даже наоборт чем то помочь и что то объяснить.

Я высказал свое мнение относительно тебя, далее разговор вообще будет бессмысленным. Единственное что могу подчерпнуть с твоего ответа это твой ник в игре, твой возраст и одно из двух слов newfag и newfaggot

как я люблю наркоманов

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луркоморе в помощь

Ни в одной другой игре так плохо не относятся к нубам. Объясняется это двумя причинами. Во-первых, новичок в Доте не только ничего не сможет сделать сам, но и порядком испортит игру своей команде, «раскормив» противников и напрасно забирая опыт у союзников. Во-вторых, в Доте, как и в Варкрафте вообще, нельзя заходить и выходить во время игры, поэтому если какой-нибудь нуб портит игру — матч превращается в про**анное зазря время для всех остальных. Кто впервые играет в доту в инете, иногда бросает просто потому, что не может терпеть оскорблений. Правда и нубы не понимают, что в первый раз лучше поиграть с ботами, или обучиться у прозаДОТеров, а не портить игру другим. Такой снобизм вызывает появление игр с заголовками «дотка апем нубы» и «arso quiz»: первый тип — в идеале для нубов, во втором обычно спрашивают вопрос по игре (например, цена артефакта) и в случае фэйла — кикают.

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