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Весь контент JSTQ

  1. за ночь на 40 мбит можно скачать все что нужно и еще останется часа 2хотя зная стк, это будут не 40 мбит а кбит(
  2. бессмысленный конкурс Вот если бы конкурс на раздаваемый материал был - типа персональной пересборки/рипов BD дисков или хотя бы собственных репаков игр, вот в этом смысл есть - увеличение эксклюзивности контента на трекере (ибо все почти сливается с рутрекера/тапков/русторки/хдклаба/...)
  3. постала нет, но есть ясельно-школьный модерн варфаре 2 чего в этой миссии журналюги страшного увидели?
  4. еще неплохо было бы добавить возможность просмотра всех своих картинок и удаления опять же своих картинок
  5. JSTQ


    не уж то норм демы пошли
  6. Dwarkin, спасибо за подробное описание всего, учту
  7. 1) оценка выставляется аттачу 2) крепим аттач к теме 3) ????? 4) profit!
  8. Написал клиент СТК... из дисконнектов только ребут сессиини одного серьезного лага за 3 месяца
  9. глянул неизвестные лица / Persons Unknown s1e01, неплохо
  10. ну еще б в ракетных не понравилось
  11. сделай бридж на модеме и выруби брандмауэр + фаерволл + фаерволл на модеме/роутере можно еще антивирус вырубить, хотя он вроде порты не режет
  12. За жириновксого, ибо хуже не будет, зато хоть глянем что будет
  13. ого 20/40 мбит за 3000 рублей думаю на час хватит лимита)
  14. JSTQ

    Diablo II

    Transmute Formula 3 Standard Gems (normal) and 1 Socketed Weapon (Any Type) = 1 Socketed Magic Weapon (of same type) This takes a socketed weapon and makes it a magic socketed weapon with a random number of sockets. This allows you to get new magic bonuses on an otherwise non magical weapon. The original weapon properties will be removed (rerolled) when the new weapon is created. ilvl = 30. It gets 1-2 sockets. Transmute Formula 3 Chipped Gems + 1 Magic Weapon = Socketed Magic Weapon This adds sockets to a magic weapon. The original magic weapon properties will be removed (rerolled) when the new weapon is created. If you use this formula with a weapon that is not normally socketed such as a Javelin, this recipe will create a new magical weapon without any sockets. ilvl=25 magic weapon with 1-2 sockets. Transmute Formula 3 Flawless Gems + 1 Magic Weapon = Socketed Magic Weapon This adds sockets to a magic weapon. The original magic weapon properties will be removed (rerolled) when the new weapon is created. If you use this formula with a weapon that is not normally socketed such as a Javelin, this recipe will create a new magical weapon without any sockets. ilvl=30 magic weapon with 1-2 sockets. Transmute Formula 1 Tal Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Topaz + Normal Body Armor = Socketed Body Armor of same type The number of sockets created will vary. The item must be normal and unsocketed. Low-quality items and superior items do not work. The item gets 1-4 sockets, randomly. However, the number of sockets is then restricted by the maximum number of sockets that base item with that ilvl can have. The chance to get X sockets in most armor is 1/4 (I.E: Mage plate has a max of 3 sockets, so it has a 2/4 [1/2] chance to get 3 sockets). The base of 6 was used in the ratios for all the above mentioned areas. Transmute Formula 1 Ral Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Amethyst + Normal Weapon = Socketed Weapon of same type The number of sockets created will vary. The item must be normal and unsocketed. Low-quality items and superior items do not work. The item gets 1-6 sockets, randomly. However, the number of sockets is then restricted by the maximum number of sockets that base item with that ilvl can have. For example, if you have an item that can only have 2 sockets, there's a 5/6 chance of getting 2 sockets and a 1/6 chance of getting 1 socket. Transmute Formula 1 Ral Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Sapphire + Normal Helm = Socketed Helm of same type The number of sockets created will vary. The item must be normal and unsocketed. Low-quality items and superior items do not work. The item gets 1-3 sockets, randomly. However, the number of sockets is then restricted by the maximum number of sockets that base item with that ilvl can have. For example, if you have an item that can only have 2 sockets, there's a 2/3 chance of getting 2 sockets and a 1/3 chance of getting 1 socket. Transmute Formula 1 Tal Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Ruby + Normal Shield = Socketed Shield of same type The number of sockets created will vary. The item must be normal and unsocketed. Low-quality items and superior items do not work. The item gets 1-4 sockets, randomly. However, the number of sockets is then restricted by the maximum number of sockets that base item with that ilvl can have. For example, if you have an item that can only have 2 sockets, there's a 3/4 chance of getting 2 sockets and a 1/4 chance of getting 1 socket. Transmute Formula 3 Perfect Skulls + 1 Rare Item + Stone of Jordan = Add 1 Socket To a Rare Item Rare Items can only have one socket. You cannot add sockets to items that don't normally have sockets. You can not use this on a Rare with one socket. You can only add one socket to a zero socket Rare Item.
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