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Весь контент Encore

  1. +возможно новый шмот, баджи, репа. -убитое время и сон. забил на вов.
  2. 124 да так бесконечно можно -__________________________-
  3. О_о и ето меня за задроство , одно слово БАН
  4. пилот : нет вестей с небес. Devon Won't go to heaven She's just another lost soul, About to be mine again Leave her We will receive her It is beyond your control Will you ever meet again Devon Around 11 Who was rendered unwhole As a little child, She was taken And then forsaken You will remember it all Let it blow your mind again Devon lies beyond this portal Take the word of one immortal Give your soul to me For eternity Release your life To begin another time with her End your grief with me There's another way Release your life Take your place inside the fire with love Sever Now and forever You're just another lost soul about to be mine again See her, you'll never free her You must surrender it all Would you like to meet again Fire All you desire As she begins to turn cold and run out of time You will shiver Till you deliver You will remember it all Let it blow your mind again Devon lies beyond this portal Take the word of one immortal Give your soul to me For eternity Release your life To begin another time with her End your grief with me There's another way Release your life Take your place inside the fire with love Give your soul to me For eternity Release your life To begin another time with her End your grief with me There's another way Release your life Take your place inside the fire with love Devon Around 11 Who was rendered unwhole As a little child She was taken, And then forsaken You will remember it all Let it blow your mind again
  5. плохое обращение с котом = бан.
  6. Олдфаг (англ. old fag от англ. old faggot — «старый педик») http://lurkmore.ru/Фаг
  7. можно Dominios поюзать, чтобы убрать птичек по бокам панелей. и SuF
  8. наркоманы детектед. http://infametr.ru/infa/1680384 http://infametr.ru/infa/1680453
  9. Всякие UI только глаза режут, стандартный интерфейс тащит. http://infametr.ru/infa/771643
  10. так рога выглядит на ультра.
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