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[Практика] Writing practice for ENGLISH-speaking users


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I know a eight languages: English, English bad, Russian, Russian bad,

c++,object pascal, sh, brainfuck. It's joke =).


I think, we must speak in two languages perfect: English and motherland languages, after that we can learn another languages.

And i am very happy to find this topic.

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hi all! I have a question.

Does anybody have computer programms for improving English?

Something like "English grammar in use" and others?

I have visited one of the Polinom bookstores and have not found anything useful.

in general, I'm interested in all programms for TOEFL preparation.

By the way, who can tell my about National library relatively to my previous question? Is it useful in my needs?

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take it easy, DEAZZZzzz! don't worry and be happy you understand they're writing about.

how are you, Tex? I hope you're OK. :)

Добавлено спустя 58 секунд:

take it easy, DEAZZZzzz! don't worry and be happy you understand they're writing about.

how are you, Tex? I hope you're OK. :)

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