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Весь контент JSTQ

  1. Что такое кротовые норы? Вот че добавлю) Чтобы переместиться в прошлое, надо сидеть и ничего не делать?
  2. Еще какой-то сайт есть, на нем можно выбрать свои комплектующие и будет рассчитана пиковая нагрузка... по нему мой комп (где-то Gaming PC) набрал 580 ВТ, купил БП на 680. Только вот сайт забыл какой(
  3. Большое число, чтобы с ним сравнивать элементы массива
  4. *pactalom [Error] Unit1.pas(189): Declaration of 'Calc' differs from previous declaration [Fatal Error] Project1.dpr(5): Could not compile used unit 'Unit1.pas'[Error] Unit1.pas(183): Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical procedure Calc(x:Byte; y:Byte); interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls; procedure Calc(var x:Byte; var y:Byte); type TForm1 = class(TForm) btn1: TButton; lbl1: TLabel; btn2: TButton; edt1: TEdit; lbl2: TLabel; btn3: TButton; lbl3: TLabel; lbl4: TLabel; procedure btn1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btn3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure edt1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure btn2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btn1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure btn3KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; VihSt,StOp:string; posc:real; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Form1.close; end;unit Unit1; Что-то я забыл где в Delphi свои процедуры объявлять. Помогите исправить ошибки upd надо было просто убрать var
  5. Интересно, кому они нужны эти истории...
  6. JSTQ

    Diablo II

    В сети я без проблем без читов сварю любую руну) Да нет, ничего, ей нужен дизаблер мили-врагов, хотя моей асасинке ваще никто не нужен, сама всех убьет)
  7. JSTQ

    Diablo II

    Mal-Zod только hell
  8. JSTQ

    Diablo II

    Берсерк/оружие с большим повреждением стихиями (famine/arurewrath/Baranar's Star/Stormlash)/Crushing Blow
  9. JSTQ

    Diablo II

    В основном на 8
  10. *53 *76Раз уж афтару так интересен сабж, 570 GB фильмов, 30 GB музыки, 350 GB инсталях, 141 GB устаовленных игр
  11. JSTQ

    Diablo II

    Required Level: 24 Prerequisites: Fire Blast [1], Shock Web [6], Charged Bolt Sentry [12] Effect: This device discharges great bolts of electricity, frying assailants when they come near.Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Mana Cost: 20 Lightning Damage 1-24 1-37 1-49 1-62 1-74 1-86 1-99 1-111 1-131 1-151 1-171 1-190 1-210 1-230 1-250 1-270 1-300 1-329 1-359 1-389 Shoots 10 Times Lightning Sentry Receives Bonuses FromShock Web: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level Charged Bolt Sentry: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level Death Sentry: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level Required Level: 30 Prerequisites: Fire Blast [1], Shock Web [6], Charged Bolt Sentry [12], Lightning Sentry [24] Effect: This trap emits projectiles laden with a potent chemical catalyst, detonating the exposed cadavers of slain enemies. Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Mana Cost: 20 Lightning Damage 1-56 1-64 1-73 1-82 1-91 1-100 1-109 1-118 1-134 1-150 1-165 1-181 1-197 1-212 1-228 1-244 1-268 1-293 1-318 1-342 Corpse Explosion Radius (yards) 3.3 3.6 4 4.3 4.6 5 5.3 5.6 6 6.3 6.6 7 7.3 7.6 8 8.3 8.6 9 9.3 9.6 Damage: 40-80% Of Corpse Life Shoots: 5 Times Death Sentry Receives Bonuses FromFire Blast: +1 Shot Per 3 Levels Lightning Sentry: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level Выделенное видишь? Это рунная формула. Ищи 3S armor, руны и вставляй туда эти руны. If the player puts certain combinations of Runes in the correct order into an item with exactly that number of sockets and of the correct item type, the item's name will change into a "unique" name, displayed in gold, and the item will acquire extra powers, depending on the "rune word" that was used. The benefits of using a Rune Word is that you can make the Rune Word magical bonuses apply to any type of item allowed with the proper number of sockets. You could, for example, use an Elite Socketed sword or an Exceptional Socketed sword, and you can also pick which type of sword is used. Uniques, in comparison, use the same item type such as short sword, and are always the same quality (Normal/Exceptional/Elite). You can continue to find better Socketed weapons or armor and, with the proper Runes, continue to have this Rune Word bonus applied to better and better Socketed items as you find them. Rune Words are an advanced feature for experienced users. Anyone can create a Rune Word if they take the time to read/learn about them. Rune Word Rules [*:d2c0f4e436]When you create a Rune Word you still receive all of the magical bonuses that were already on each Rune you Socketed. [*:d2c0f4e436]Socketed Items must have the exact number of sockets as the Rune Word formula requires. If the Rune Word is a 3 Rune formula then you must use an item with exactly 3 sockets. A 4 socket item will not work with a 3 socket formula. [*:d2c0f4e436]The Socketed Item type must be the correct item type for the formula. If the formula requires a sword, the formula will not work if you use an axe or spear. [*:d2c0f4e436]Rune Words will only work in Socketed non-magical items. This means that Set Items, Unique Items, or Magic Items with enough Sockets and the proper item type will not allow or convert to Rune Words. Again, they will not work on Magic, Set, Unique or Rare items. So if you have a Mechanic's (or Jewelers item) piece of armor with 2 slots, the Stealth will not work on it because it's magical. [*:d2c0f4e436]The correct Runes for a formula must be used. If one of the Runes is wrong you receive the bonuses of the Runes inserted but it does not become a Rune Word. [*:d2c0f4e436]The Rune IO looks a lot like LO. Make sure you use the correct one. [*:d2c0f4e436]The Runes must be placed in the correct order. You can have the correct Socketed item, correct runes and still not activate the Rune Word if you do not socket the Runes in the correct order. This is because you're trying to spell the "Rune Word" correctly and you have spelled it incorrectly. Example: "RalOrtTal". You must first place Ral, then Ort, then finally Tal into the Socketed Item. [*:d2c0f4e436]You need the right patch for the following formulae to work. Make sure you have the latest patch. [*:d2c0f4e436]Required Item Types for Formulae Make sure you read this so you'll use the right items. Body Armor = Any armor that is worn on your chest and not any type of other armor such as boots, helms, gloves, etc. Helms = Any armor that is worn on the head, including helms, Barbarian Helms, Druid Pelts, and Circlets. Shield = Any armor that can be used to block, including shields, Necromancer Shrunken Heads, and Paladin Shields. Clubs = Club, Spiked Club, and Exceptional/Elite versions. Hammers = War Hammer, Maul, Great Maul, and Exceptional/Elite versions. Maces = Mace, Morning Star, Flail, and Exceptional/Elite versions. This does not include any other types of Maces. Melee Weapons = Any weapon that isn't ranged such as a Sword or Hammer. A Bow or Crossbow is a ranged weapon. Sorceress Orbs are not considered Melee Weapons. Missile Weapons = Bows and Crossbows Scepters = Scepter, Grand Scepter, War Scepter, and Exceptional/Elite versions. Keep in mind when experimenting with unknown Rune Words that you must be prepared to accept the loss of your Runes if the formula does not work. Rune Words must be inserted into the correct item for the formula in the correct order. Blizzard cannot restore lost items for any reason including due to your failure to properly create a Rune Word. Rune Word failures are caused by using the wrong items, Runes, or Rune order. A few times the formula has been listed wrong on this page, but most (99%) of reported errors are caused by failure to understand the formula. The following formulae on this page may contain errors, including listing the wrong formulas. Be sure you read all of this page including the bottom page notes for complete information. +2 All Skills
  12. Удалил, в макстоне вылетает на каждой странице, в IE ниразу невылетла
  13. JSTQ

    Diablo II

    У моей на 88 лвле дмг с LS ~1-5500, с DS 1-2200 Неплохо бы иметь эти когти в обоих руках, еще лучше - повысить их уровень, проресать сокет и вставить в них уникальный jewel с - резист монстрам к молнии. Я так и сделал. Greater Talons Damage: (77-88) To (137-155) (107-121.5 Avg) Required Level: 42 Required Strength: 79 Required Dexterity: 79 Durability: 69 Weapon Speed: [-30] (Assassin Only) +150-200% Enhanced Damage (varies) Adds 25-50 Damage 30% Faster Hit Recovery 20% Bonus To Attack Rating 5-9% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies) +20 To Strength +20 To Dexterity +2 To Assassin Skill Levels +1 To Martial Arts Skills (Assassin Only) (Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later) Броня идеал энигма, можно любую с +2 AS 3 Socket Body Armor Jah + Ith + Ber +2 To All Skills +45% Faster Run/Walk +1 To Teleport +750-775 Defense (varies) + (0.75 Per Character Level) +0-74 To Strength (Based On Character Level) Increase Maximum Life 5% Damage Reduced By 8% +14 Life After Each Kill 15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana + (1 Per Character Level) +1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level) Пояс идеал Spiderweb Sash Defense: 119-138 (varies)(Base Defense: 55-62) Required Level: 80 Required Strength: 50 Durability: 12 16 Boxes +90-120% Enhanced Defense (varies) Slows Target By 10% +1 To All Skills +20% Faster Cast Rate Increases Maximum Mana 5% Level 3 Venom (11 Charges) (Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later) если нет, можно на fcr/+life/+mana/%dr Кольца - в идеале 2 SoJ, можно Raven Frost, можно на fcr/бонусы к мане итд Амулет - офк Mara's Caleidoscope, но он редкий Шлем - идеал Shako Defense: 98-141 (varies) Required Level: 62 Required Strength: 50 Durability: 12 +2 To All Skills + (1.5 Per Character Level) 1-148 To Life (Based On Character Level) + (1.5 Per Character Level) 1-148 To Mana (Based On Character Level) Damage Reduced By 10% 50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items +2 To All Attributes (Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later) с сокетом на резы/MF... найти опять же сложно
  14. JSTQ

    Diablo II

    Ахах да ты че говоришь то Оффициальня версия и устарела? *pactalom Не сравнивай левые дополнения и официальнае версии. Вроде как ассасином играешь, тебе пойдет 3 акт cold/2 акт holy freeze (если конечно ты качаешь ловушки. А если нет - игру тебе не пройти) Не знаю че ты имеешь под словом "талы", но качал я его в Holy Shield + Fanaticism + Zeal + синерги для HS/Zeal
  15. Что там насчет остановок на Смолина?
  16. хехе стиль кодинга, главное чтоб хотябы работало
  17. Ливер, получив IPбан, он просто ждал пока сменится ip и заходил ливать снова.
  18. С введением динамических ip-адресов расплодилось ливеров. Ничего умнее непридумав, решили отрубить регистрцию.
  19. Открыта она небудет никогда. Щас админы "думают" (ниче не делают короче) как бы регистрировать народ. 1) Овнинг не опер 2) он им быть нехочет 3) ремеди может спокойно сам его поставить, и ничего выигрывать ему не прийдется
  20. Плати мне 500$ зарегаю *pactalomЧе вы верите всякой фигне как дети маленькие
  21. JSTQ

    Diablo II

    Первый пост я наверное для себя писал
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