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[Практика] Writing practice for ENGLISH-speaking users


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dont' know ...

and how many? 1?

yeah, look at http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060630101350AAVyARv

1) 8 fingers and 2 thumbs

2) I have 7 fingers and 2 thumbs, '

but most have 6 fingers, 2 pinkys and 2 thumbs

imho, this question can't to check my skill ...

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Thanks author for this topic. Most probably, it allows us to have a practice. :yes: I have problems with grammar sometimes and it is a good possibility for me to practice not at lessons.

For begining, now I'm trying to keep my mind in order, because exams have already taken away my will power. Oh.. Don't you have something similar? I hope, you don't. It is terrible.

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