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Квантовый скачок / Quantum Leap


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Квантовый скачок / Quantum Leap


Год выпуска: 1989-1993

Страна: США

Жанр: Фантастика

Продолжительность: 0:48:00

Количество сезонов: 5

Статус: Закончен, закрыт

Перевод: Профессиональный

Режиссер: Дональд Беллисарио

В ролях: Скотт Бакула, Дин Стокуэлл

Описание: 1995 год. Разработав теорию о том, что человек может путешествоват во времени в пределах продолжительности собственной жизни, доктор Сэм Беккет на базе в пустынях Нью-Мехико (США) возглавил сверхсекретный проект, названный "Квантовый скачок". Оказавшись перед необходимостью подтвердить свою теорию или потерять финансирование, доктор Беккет шагнул в квантовый ускоритель и... исчез.

Проснувшись, он обнаруживает, что оказался в 1956 году, а из зеркала на него смотрит незнакомое лицо пилота-испытателя Тома Страттона. Ко всему прочему Сэм Беккет частично теряет память, и его дела были бы совсем плохи, если бы не помощь адмирала Альберта Калавичи (Эл), который работал вместе с ним над проектом. В прошлом он появляется в виде голограммы, которую может видеть и слышать только Беккет, животные, маленькие дети и сумасшедшие.

Так началось путешествие Сэма Беккета. Он обречен жить жизнью других людей в разных временных и пространственных линиях. Человек, которого заменяет Сэм, перемещается в 1995 год и оказывается в "зале ожидания" (waiting room). Ни Сэм, ни Эл не понимают до конца природу тех сил, что управляют квантовыми скачками - переходами во времени. Но они оба считают, что Сэм должен исправить то, что когда-то произошло не так, изменить историю таким образом, чтобы предотвратить беду, случившуюся когда-то давно - 20, 30 или 40 лет тому назад. Спасти жизнь человеку, сохранить семью, не оставить нераскрытым преступление... Отныне это - главная миссия Сэма.

Доп. информация: Серии:

1 сезон : 1-9

2 сезон : 1-22

3 сезон : 1-22

4 сезон : 1-22

5 сезон : 1-22





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Вот вопрос:

Серия, когда он попал в какой-то бар и увидел в отражении немного поседевшего себя, мальчика с велосипедом в дверях этого бара, это какой сезон закончился? Еще в этой серии он помог своему спутнику с пультиком, вроде.

Ссылка на комментарий

да, помню помню. самое запоминающее в этом сериале было то, что в каждой серии этого Сэма обязательно кто нить считал его сумасшедшим. вот хохма то:)а так сериал просто супер но 32гб - это много. ПРосьба тем, кто скачает - разделите сериал по сезонам хотя бы, чтобы удобнее было.

Ссылка на комментарий
+1 !!! В 1 сезоне????? 9 серий???

Странно что 9, вообще 8 показывает.

Season 1


Season 1, Episode 1: Genesis - September 13, 1956

Original Air Date: 26 March 1989

The pilot episode of the series "Quantum Leap". Dr. Sam Beckett, working on a top secret military project, has just leaped into the body of a test pilot about to attempt a dangerous flight. According to Sam's friend and partner Al, who appears to him as a hologram nobody else can see, in order to leap out of the pilot's body, Sam must successfully complete the flight, which according to historical records, ended in a fatal crash.

Season 1, Episode 2: Star-Crossed - June 15, 1972

Original Air Date: 31 March 1989

At a small Ohio college, Sam Beckett is a literature professor who must discourage the amorous advances of a student and finds the woman who left him at the altar. Sam hopes that resolving her conflicts with her father will prevent her from deserting him.

Season 1, Episode 3: The Right Hand of God - October 24, 1974

Original Air Date: 7 April 1989

Sam leaps into a boxer that is owned by a convent of nuns who need him to win a boxing match to finance their new chapel.

Season 1, Episode 4: How the Tess Was Won - August 5, 1956

Original Air Date: 14 April 1989

Sam finds himself as a veterinarian who has to compete as a cowboy to win the heart of a cowgirl heiress.

Season 1, Episode 5: Double Identity - November 9, 1965

Original Air Date: 21 April 1989

Sam leaps into a mafia hit-man who may not live long since he is romancing the godfather's girlfriend. Also an attempt to bring Sam home causes the 1965 east coast blackout.

Season 1, Episode 6: The Color of Truth - August 8, 1955

Original Air Date: 3 May 1989

As the black chauffeur of an elderly southern woman, Sam must overcome prejudice to prevent the death of a black woman.

Season 1, Episode 7: Camikazi Kid - June 6, 1961

Original Air Date: 10 May 1989

Teen-ager Sam Becket must keep his older sister from marrying an abusive alcoholic. Sam hopes he will show his true nature when he challenges him to a race.

Season 1, Episode 8: Play It Again, Seymour - April 14, 1953

Original Air Date: 17 May 1989

Sam leaps into a private detective who looks a lot like Humphrey Bogart.


Season 2


Season 2, Episode 1: Honeymoon Express - April 26, 1960

Original Air Date: 20 September 1989

Sam most save himself while on his honeymoon from his new bride's ex-husband. Also, Congress wants Sam to change history by stopping the U2 flight that was shot down over Russia in 1960.

Season 2, Episode 2: Disco Inferno - April 1, 1976

Original Air Date: 27 September 1989

Sam has to save his host's younger brother from his obsessed father who wants him to go into the family business as a movie stuntman.

Season 2, Episode 3: The Americanization of Machiko - August 4, 1953

Original Air Date: 11 October 1989

As a returning sailor Sam brings home a Japanese wife and must battle the prejudice of his hometown and his own mother.

Season 2, Episode 4: What Price Gloria? - October 16, 1961

Original Air Date: 25 October 1989

As a gorgeous secretary Sam must deal with the sexual harassment of his boss and the attempted suicide of his roommate.

Season 2, Episode 5: Blind Faith - February 6, 1964

Original Air Date: 1 November 1989

As a blind concert pianist, Sam must save his girlfriend from a serial killer despite the interference with her overbearing mother.

Season 2, Episode 6: Good Morning, Peoria - September 9, 1959

Original Air Date: 8 November 1989

Sam is a radio DJ and has to help bring Rock and Roll to Peoria.

Season 2, Episode 7: Thou Shalt Not... - February 2, 1974

Original Air Date: 15 November 1989

Sam leaps into a rabbi to prevent his host's sister-in-law from falling for a sleazy author.

Season 2, Episode 8: Jimmy - October 14, 1964

Original Air Date: 22 November 1989

Sam leaps into a young retarded man and has to keep him out of an institution.

Season 2, Episode 9: So Help Me God - July 29, 1957

Original Air Date: 29 November 1989

Sam must defend a young black woman charged with murdering the son of a powerful Southern political figure.

Season 2, Episode 10: Catch a Falling Star - May 21, 1979

Original Air Date: 6 December 1989

Sam must save an alcoholic actor from a fall during a performance of "Man of LaMancha." His old piano teacher is also present and finds Sam's host very attractive.

Season 2, Episode 11: A Portrait for Troian - February 7, 1971

Original Air Date: 13 December 1989

Sam must save a young woman who drowns while insisting that she is hearing the calls of her dead husband.

Season 2, Episode 12: Animal Frat - October 19, 1967

Original Air Date: 3 January 1990

Finding himself the king of an "Animal House" fraternity, Sam must win the confidence of a beautiful female activist and prevent the bombing of a school building.

Season 2, Episode 13: Another Mother - September 30, 1981

Original Air Date: 10 January 1990

Sam must prevent the teen-aged son of his host from disappearing. Al and Sam also find out that very young children can see the real Sam and Al.

Season 2, Episode 14: All Americans - November 6, 1962

Original Air Date: 17 January 1990

Sam must prevent a fellow high school football player from throwing the championship game and losing his scholarship.

Season 2, Episode 15: Her Charm - September 26, 1973

Original Air Date: 7 February 1990

As an FBI agent Sam has to protect a female witness when the people after her seem to know his every step.

Season 2, Episode 16: Freedom - November 22, 1970

Original Air Date: 14 February 1990

As a American Indian, Sam escapes from jail to get his grandfather back to the reservation so he can die at home.

Season 2, Episode 17: Good Night, Dear Heart - November 9, 1957

Original Air Date: 7 March 1990

Sam leaps into a coroner who must play detective and prove that a female victim was murdered.

Season 2, Episode 18: Pool Hall Blues - September 4, 1954

Original Air Date: 14 March 1990

Sam leaps into an old pool playing acquaintance of Al's and must win a pool game so that his granddaughter doesn't lose her bar.

Season 2, Episode 19: Leaping in Without a Net - November 18, 1958

Original Air Date: 28 March 1990

Sam must overcome his fear of heights when he leaps into a trapeze artist whose sister dies doing a stunt without a net.

Season 2, Episode 20: Maybe Baby - March 11, 1963

Original Air Date: 4 April 1990

Sam is involved with the kidnapping of a baby while crossing Texas with his stripper accomplice.

Season 2, Episode 21: Sea Bride - June 3, 1954

Original Air Date: 2 May 1990

Onboard an ocean liner Sam must prevent the marriage of his host's ex-wife.

Season 2, Episode 22: M.I.A. - April 1, 1969

Original Air Date: 9 May 1990

Al tells Sam that he has to convince a Navy nurse that her MIA husband is still alive, but Sam keeps getting signals that he has another mission.


Season 3


Season 3, Episode 1: The Leap Home: Part 1 - November 25, 1969

Original Air Date: 28 September 1990

Sam leaps into himself as a teenager to help his high school basketball team win the championship. He also tries to help the other members of his family including his father who died from smoking, his brother who died in Viet Nam and his sister who married a wife abuser.

Season 3, Episode 2: The Leap Home: Part 2 (Vietnam) - April 7, 1970

Original Air Date: 5 October 1990

Still involved in his brother's life, Sam leaps into Viet Nam to either save his brother or ensure the success of the team's mission.

Season 3, Episode 3: Leap of Faith - August 19, 1963

Original Air Date: 12 October 1990

As a priest, Sam must save another priest from alcoholism and prevent a murder.

Season 3, Episode 4: One Strobe Over the Line - June 15, 1965

Original Air Date: 19 October 1990

Sam leaps into a fashion photographer and must save a model from a drug dependency due to an ambitious agent.

Season 3, Episode 5: The Boogieman - October 31, 1964

Original Air Date: 26 October 1990

Everything goes wrong when Sam leaps into a Gothic horror novelist on Halloween.

Season 3, Episode 6: Miss Deep South - June 7, 1958

Original Air Date: 2 November 1990

While entered in the "Miss Deep South" beauty pageant, Sam must prevent a fellow contestant from posing for some nude photos and make sure his host comes in third in the contest.

Season 3, Episode 7: Black on White on Fire - August 11, 1965

Original Air Date: 9 November 1990

As a black medical student during the 1965 Watts riots, Sam must save his white fiancée.

Season 3, Episode 8: The Great Spontini - May 9, 1974

Original Air Date: 16 November 1990

Sam leaps into magician who wants to keep custody of his daughter and save her from an accidental death.

Season 3, Episode 9: Rebel Without a Clue - September 1, 1958

Original Air Date: 30 November 1990

As a member of a motorcycle gang Sam has to keep a young woman from going on the road.

Season 3, Episode 10: A Little Miracle - December 24, 1962

Original Air Date: 21 December 1990

Sam and Al scare the Dickens out of a rich Scrooge character who wants to tear down a mission and build a high rise.

Season 3, Episode 11: Runaway - July 4, 1964

Original Air Date: 4 January 1991

Sam must put up with a bratty older sister and keep the family together while saving his mother who disappears.

Season 3, Episode 12: 8 1/2 Months - November 15, 1955

Original Air Date: 6 March 1991

Sam leaps into a very pregnant teenager and must convince her father to help her keep the baby.

Season 3, Episode 13: Future Boy - October 6, 1957

Original Air Date: 13 March 1991

As the sidekick on the 1950's children's show "Time Patrol" Sam must prevent the commitment and death of the star of the show.

Season 3, Episode 14: Private Dancer - October 6, 1979

Original Air Date: 20 March 1991

As a male stripper, Sam must save a deaf girl from a life of prostitution and get her an audition with a professional dance company.

Season 3, Episode 15: Piano Man - November 10, 1985

Original Air Date: 27 March 1991

Sam is a piano player who is on the run from a killer with an ex-girl friend.

Season 3, Episode 16: Southern Comforts - August 4, 1961

Original Air Date: 3 April 1991

Sam leaps into the proprietor of a New Orleans brothel and has to prevent the death of a girl who really doesn't belong there.

Season 3, Episode 17: Glitter Rock - April 12, 1974

Original Air Date: 10 April 1991

Sam becomes a member of a rock band who is stabbed to death after a concert by one of a long list of suspects.

Season 3, Episode 18: A Hunting Will We Go - June 18, 1976

Original Air Date: 17 April 1991

Sam leaps into a bounty hunter who is handcuffed to a female fugitive who will do anything to escape from him.

Season 3, Episode 19: Last Dance Before an Execution - May 12, 1971

Original Air Date: 1 May 1991

Sam leaps into a death row convict moments before his execution. A last minute stay of execution order gives him 48 hours to determine his innocence in a leap with an unclear mission.

Season 3, Episode 20: Heart of a Champion - July 23, 1955

Original Air Date: 8 May 1991

Sam leaps into a wrestler who must convince his partner-brother to quit due to a heart problem.

Season 3, Episode 21: Nuclear Family - October 26, 1962

Original Air Date: 15 May 1991

Sam must deal with the panic associated with the Cuban Missile Crisis as a Flordia fallout shelter salesman.

Season 3, Episode 22: Shock Theater - October 3, 1954

Original Air Date: 22 May 1991

Sam leaps into a patient at a Mental Hospital and undergoes electroshock therapy. The treatment causes Sam to act like other people he's been. It also weakens his link to Al. Al must find a way to get his friend back to normal, and figure a way to carry out Sam's mission.


Season 4


Season 4, Episode 1: The Leap Back - June 15, 1945

Original Air Date: 18 September 1991

Sam and Al have switched places. Now Sam is the hologram, and Al is the leaper. Al must reunite a returning WWII veteran with the woman he left due to the war. Sam and Al must figure a way to communicate with the future, because Al has the comm device, and Sam has no way to contact Ziggy.

Season 4, Episode 2: Play Ball - August 6, 1961

Original Air Date: 25 September 1991

Sam is a minor league baseball pitcher who has plenty of female admirers and a porcupine team mascot to watch out for.

Season 4, Episode 3: Hurricane - August 17, 1969

Original Air Date: 2 October 1991

As a deputy sheriff, Sam must prevent a murder as Hurricane Camile hits the Mississippi gulf coast.

Season 4, Episode 4: Justice - May 11, 1965

Original Air Date: 9 October 1991

Sam must save the life of a civil rights worker ironically as a member of the Klu Klux Klan.

Season 4, Episode 5: Permanent Wave - June 2, 1983

Original Air Date: 16 October 1991

Sam leaps into a hair dresser to prevent the death of a murder witness.

Season 4, Episode 6: Raped - June 20, 1980

Original Air Date: 30 October 1991

Sam leaps into a rape victim and must testify against the attacker who is an outstanding member of the community.

Season 4, Episode 7: The Wrong Stuff - January 24, 1961

Original Air Date: 6 November 1991

Sam leaps into a chimpanzee used in the early days of the space program and has to save a fellow chimp from testing that will result in his death.

Season 4, Episode 8: Dreams - February 28, 1979

Original Air Date: 13 November 1991

Sam leaps into a detective that is working on a gruesome murder and must deal with flashbacks from the mind of his leapee.

Season 4, Episode 9: A Single Drop of Rain - September 7, 1953

Original Air Date: 20 November 1991

Sam leaps into a rainmaker who returns to his drought-stricken hometown and has to keep his family together.

Season 4, Episode 10: Unchained - November 2, 1956

Original Air Date: 27 November 1991

Sam must save a fellow convict from a chain gang in 1956.

Season 4, Episode 11: The Play's the Thing - September 9, 1969

Original Air Date: 8 January 1992

Sam finds himself as a young man involved with an older woman who has singing aspirations and needs a confidence boost from Sam.

Season 4, Episode 12: Running for Honor - June 11, 1964

Original Air Date: 15 January 1992

At a Naval school Sam must prevent the death of a gay fellow classmate from a gang of other students.

Season 4, Episode 13: Temptation Eyes - February 1, 1985

Original Air Date: 22 January 1992

As a television reporter Sam protects a psychic from a serial killer who can tell who Sam Beckett really is.

Season 4, Episode 14: The Last Gunfighter - November 28, 1957

Original Air Date: 5 February 1992

Sam leaps into a elderly man who likes his whiskey and tells tall tales. His former partner and fellow gunfighter shows up wanting recognition and revenge.

Season 4, Episode 15: A Song for the Soul - April 7, 1963

Original Air Date: 26 February 1992

Singing in a 1960's black girl band, Sam must save one member from an unscrupulous nightclub owner.

Season 4, Episode 16: Ghost Ship - August 13, 1956

Original Air Date: 4 March 1992

Flying through the Bermuda Triangle strange things occur as Sam must get a sick passenger to a doctor.

Season 4, Episode 17: Roberto! - January 27, 1982

Original Air Date: 11 March 1992

In the role of a "Geraldo" type journalist, Sam and an asthmatic woman try and uncover the truth about what is going on at a local chemical plant.

Season 4, Episode 18: It's a Wonderful Leap - May 10, 1958

Original Air Date: 1 April 1992

As a New York City cab driver, Sam has to win a contest to get his own taxi medallion. Sam also has the help of a woman named Angelito who knows about Sam and claims to be an angel.

Season 4, Episode 19: Moments to Live - May 4, 1985

Original Air Date: 8 April 1992

Sam is kidnapped by an obsessed soap opera fan.

Season 4, Episode 20: The Curse of Ptah-Hotep - March 2, 1957

Original Air Date: 22 April 1992

At an archaeological dig in Egypt Sam has to deal with an approaching sandstorm and a 3000 year old curse.

Season 4, Episode 21: Stand Up - April 30, 1959

Original Air Date: 13 May 1992

As part of a Catskills comedy act trio, Sam has to convince the other two members that they are in love while saving one of them from the mob.

Season 4, Episode 22: A Leap for Lisa - June 25, 1957

Original Air Date: 20 May 1992

While trying to save a married woman, Sam changes history and Al is sent to the gas chamber giving Sam a new observer.


Season 5


Season 5, Episode 1: Lee Harvey Oswald - Oct 5, 1957-Nov 22, 1963: Part 1

Original Air Date: 22 September 1992

Sam finds himself leaping back and forth in assassin Lee Harvey Oswald's life while retaining part of his personality.

Season 5, Episode 2: Lee Harvey Oswald - Oct 5, 1957-Nov 22, 1963: Part 2

Original Air Date: 22 September 1992

As the date for Dallas draws nearer, Oswald's personality is getting harder to control. Al is finding it harder to connect with Sam. Is Sam supposed to save the President, or unearth the conspiracy?

Season 5, Episode 3: Leaping of the Shrew - September 27, 1956

Original Air Date: 29 September 1992

Sam leaps into a Greek sailor who is stranded on a deserted island with a spoiled rich brat.

Season 5, Episode 4: Nowhere to Run - August 10, 1968

Original Air Date: 6 October 1992

As a legless Viet Nam veteran Sam must prevent the suicide of a fellow hospital patient.

Season 5, Episode 5: Killin' Time - June 18, 1958

Original Air Date: 20 October 1992

Sam leaps into a hostage situation as a fugitive killer. The real killer breaks out of the Project facility and is on the run in 1999.

Season 5, Episode 6: Star Light, Star Bright - May 21, 1966

Original Air Date: 27 October 1992

Sam leaps into a 79-year-old man who claims to have seen UFO's to save his grandson from a drug overdose.

Season 5, Episode 7: Deliver Us from Evil - March 19, 1966

Original Air Date: 10 November 1992

Sam discovers another set of leapers who are messing with history.

Season 5, Episode 8: Trilogy: Part 1 (One Little Heart) - August 8, 1955

Original Air Date: 17 November 1992

As the sheriff in a Louisiana town, Sam must deal with two strange murders and a girl named Abigail Fuller.

Season 5, Episode 9: Trilogy: Part 2 (For Your Love) - June 14, 1966

Original Air Date: 24 November 1992

Sam must save his leapee's fiance Abigail Fuller from a mob after the disappearance of a child in his charge.

Season 5, Episode 10: Trilogy: Part 3 (The Last Door) - July 28, 1978

Original Air Date: 24 November 1992

Sam leaps into a lawyer to save Abigail Fuller, mother of Sam's daughter Sammy Jo, from a murder charge.

Season 5, Episode 11: Promised Land - December 22, 1971

Original Air Date: 15 December 1992

Sam finds himself back in his hometown at Christmas time to save the farm of a neighbor.

Season 5, Episode 12: A Tale of Two Sweeties - February 25, 1958

Original Air Date: 5 January 1993

Sam must decide between families when he leaps into a salesman with two wives.

Season 5, Episode 13: Liberation - October 16, 1968

Original Air Date: 12 January 1993

Leaping into the middle of the woman's liberation movement Sam must prevent the death of a young lady at a sit-in and convince her father to live with a liberated daughter.

Season 5, Episode 14: Dr. Ruth - April 25, 1985

Original Air Date: 19 January 1993

Sam leaps into sex doctor Ruth Westheimer, plays matchmaker for a couple on the staff of her radio show and helps a woman with sexual harassment.

Season 5, Episode 15: Blood Moon - March 10, 1975

Original Air Date: 9 February 1993

Sam leaps into an English castle where the occupants practice vampire rituals. He must save the young wife of the castle owner.

Season 5, Episode 16: Return of the Evil Leaper - October 8, 1956

Original Air Date: 23 February 1993

Sam leaps into a college fraternity and again meets Alia from the Evil Leaper Project.

Season 5, Episode 17: Revenge of the Evil Leaper - September 16, 1987

Original Air Date: 23 February 1993

After saving Alia from the Evil Leaper Project, they are trapped in a woman's prison with the evil observer Zoey in charge as the prison warden.

Season 5, Episode 18: Goodbye Norma Jean - April 4, 1960

Original Air Date: 2 March 1993

As the chauffeur of Marilyn Monroe, Sam saves her life and helps her with her final movie, "The Misfits."

Season 5, Episode 19: The Beast Within - November 6, 1972

Original Air Date: 16 March 1993

As a former Viet Nam veteran, Sam is mistaken for Big Foot in rural Washington state.

Season 5, Episode 20: The Leap Between the States - September 20, 1862

Original Air Date: 30 March 1993

Sam Beckett leaps into his great-grandfather during the Civil War and must not interfere with his great-grandparents meeting nor get captured behind Confederate lines.

Season 5, Episode 21: Memphis Melody - July 3, 1954

Original Air Date: 20 April 1993

While impersonating the King, Elvis Presley, Sam must save a Memphis Belle from a bad marriage.

Season 5, Episode 22: Mirror Image - August 8, 1953

Original Air Date: 4 May 1993

Sam leaps into a bar with a bartender that's more than he appears. When Sam looks into a mirror, he sees his own reflection. In the future, they realize that Sam has leaped into himself, they search history for Sam. Sam learns more about Quantum Leap, and whose responsible for his leaps. Before he takes his next leap, he realizes he must correct something that could affect his personal history.

Ссылка на комментарий

помню помню ждал кода его по тв начнут показывать в 17-00 кажись на стс

там у него еще "коронная" фраза была какаято не помню в каждой серии говорил как попадал куда нить

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

О БОЖЕ БОЖЕ БОЖЕ))) сори за капс..

это великая вещь.. ууухх как мне этот серьяльчег нравился)))

и как йа раньше не заметил...

так.. 35 гигоф... яростное освобождение места)) >_<

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