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Сообщения, опубликованные truepick

  1. “Вполне вероятно, что молодожены будут жить в Улан-Удэ, — предполагает источник "МК в Бурятии". — Поскольку младшая дочь по бурятским традициям должна быть рядом со своими родителями”.

    хмм, я в сомнениях.

  2. I think Germany team better than Russian ))

    no-no-no :no: ...simply, Germany has a good reputation for strong enemy,but Russia only at the start...

    I think that skills of our team higher than Germany.... :rock:

    not agree, skill of Germany more higher than Russia: tactics, strategy, control of ball, etc.

    in Germany all players are active and strong, in Russia - just some (active, not strong): Kerzhakov, Bystrov, Arshavin, Zhirkov. IMHO *08

    ofc, i supported for Russia in match, but they were more passive, than opponents.

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