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[Практика] Writing practice for ENGLISH-speaking users


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Author must go at the any american forum and try his "forces" of english language there... if he can, i guess :D

Not bad for six thousands users of our forum - three users in that kind of theme :) Well, i think what author must kill yourself using whe wall :( and i follow him, maybe. ok, i think this is enough for the first time :D

sorry for all kind of mistakes... :)

oO do i wrote this?

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hi, everybody!!! )))) may i ask you a question, Tex and Justice?

what are? i mean where do you study? i've almost forgotten english, and it's a good practice for me... Tex, thanx that you opened this theme!!! :D

by the way, Justice!! i agree with Tex. suiside is the worst idea you could do. *38

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Tex, that's strange, for a second-year student you've made quite a number of elemenatary mistakes.

This summer I had an exam at English in your University for the second-year students and it was quite tough.

No offense )

When I saw that topic for a first time I had an idea to correct other people, to explain their mistakes and to show them right variations of writting.

But I had thrown that idea off because there are to many mistakes for me to correct - no one wrote anything correctly so far :)

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Everyone who want to chat using english, welcome.

Not the "english", but "English" - you can write "english language" with lowercase letter, but when you say "English" - only uppercase.

That shows that you mean "english language", otherwise it's just a sign of anything english.

Not "using English", but "in English" - that's a common mistake.

And don't forget a form of "to be" - "are welcome" ;)

PS. For moders: if this topic is not popular - delete it, please.

Not "is not popular", because you mean future it should be "if this topic won't be...".

I just don't have time and to be honest, any disire to correct all of your mistakes.

If you like, I can just point at them in PM, you probably will understand them yourself 'cause I think you just don't pay enough attention to writting.

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Please give me an advice - how i can improve my english? Not with stypid studying, learning the words, everyday translations...

I know this is the best way to learn any lang, bt this is so boring... >_< I've learnt english by watching films with russian subtitles, playing games... studying :) but this is not enough

Sometimes i've just sense what i have not enough words to say my phrase.

May be start learning english dictionary btw? hahaha

I can quickly understand mean of a lot simple english texts, but trying to understand bigger is so boring :)

How do you studying English? I need to know. In the university's english is so easy

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I know this is the best way to learn any lang, bt this is so boring
Without learning new words you won't improve the language skills of yours much. But definitely it'll be far more interesting and useful if the process of learning is attached to something, that is interesting for you itself. For example, reading and listening to dialogues in games, etc. Though you'll learn how some grammatical constructions are built as well (you'll remember them=) ), and then you'll try to understand it
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SonaR, sorry. I wasn't able to be in touch. You'd better pop in here as often as you can.

You're using nouns in plural, so the verb should be in plural too. Speaking about present and using past? Man, think and try to correct mistakes.

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my German teachers said "if you want to speak and understand a foreign language try to find a speaking partner and think in German" it's not so difficult. you can make simple phrases in English and first it's enough.


do you like German? have you chosen it yourself?

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