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Помощь в переводе с английского
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Очень срочно нужна помощь в переводе с английского...
Пожалуйста, помогите товарищи форумчане. До вечера надо решить проблему
1. Повторите употребление неопределенного артикля а/an и определенного
артикля the. Повторите употребление конструкций there is/there are. Повторите
образование множественного числа существительных. Переведите следующие
предложения в множественное число:
An apple growsoon a tree. - Apples grow on trees.
1. A rose is a flower. 2 A mouse is a small animal. 3. There is a horse in the field. 4. Mary gave me a book for my birthday. 5. A noun is the name of a thing. 6. There is an apple and an orange on the plate. 7. A table is a piece of furniture. 8. There is a museum in this town. 9. An oak is a big tree. 10. A child isn't aiways careful on the road. 11. There is a beautiful car in the yard.
2. Повторите степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Поставьте
прилагательные, данные в скобках, в правильную форму, или оставьте без
1. Tom is (old) than Richard. 2. John is the (clever) boy in the class. 3. The weather is (fine) today than it was yesterday. 4. London is the (big) city in the world. 5. This sentence is (difficult) than the first one. 6. My dog is as (good) as yours. 7. My dog is (good) than yours. 8. My dog is the (good) of the three. 9. The cat will be much (happy) in her new home. 10. The weather is (bad) today than it was yesterday. 11. This mountain is the (high) in Europe. 12. This piece of homework is as (difficult) as the last one. 13. This piece of homework is (difficult) than the last one. 14. This piece of homework is the (difficult) you have ever done. 15. Richard is not as (tall) as Tom. 16. Tom is (tall) than Richard. 17. Tom is the (tall) student in the group. 18. Athens is (far) from London than Rome is. 19. Mr. Robinson is (rich) than Mr. Green. 20. They have (many) hens than we have, but they get (few) eggs.
3. Вставьте, если нужно, пропущенные предлоги on, to, in, under, with, by, at, into,
for, of:
Linda has come.... home from the Academy. She lives ... her mother and sister. She works as a secretary in an office and she is a part-time student ... the Academy....culture and arts. She has just had dinner prepared ....her mother, and has washed dishes. Now Linda is sitting ....the table....her room. She is reading a textbook. There are also some notebooks.... on the table. The cat is sitting .... the table near Linda's feet. Mother comes ...the room and asks Linda ...go....the grocer's and buy some vegetables ...soup and some fish ...the cat. Linda drives a car. So, she comes back....home very quickly....a bag full....food.
4. Повторите временные формы Present, Past and Future. Переведите на русский язык
и определите, какое действие (Simple, Continuous or Perfect) они обозначают в
следующих предложениях, и в каком залоге (Active or Passive) это действие
представлено в данном конкретном предложении.
1. We play tennis. 2. Henry is writing a letter. 3. Richard has kicked a goal. 4. Have you seen my new dress? 5. Do you study mathematics? 6. The men have finished their work.
7. Tom is a good swimmer. 8. You are learning grammar, aren't you? 9. I will have finished my report by Monday. 10. What are you doing right now? 11. I opened the door. 12. The cat slept. 13. The bell rang. 14.1 did not like the people we met. 15. When I came in they were playing chess. 16. When he arrived at the station the train had already gone. 17. They had had dinner before going out. 18. We shall be having dinner on the train. 19. Our house will be painted next week. 20. They will leave New York tomorrow. 21.1 have been to St.Petersburg. 22. This book costs eighteen dollars. 23. We have won the match. 24. Julia cut her finger. 25. Our grandmother reads only local newspapers. 26. She taught me how to knit sweaters. 27. What were you doing at 7 o'clock yesterday? 28. What have you written, John?
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